March 25 Lent Wednesday Service Sermon One Little Word Can Fell Him

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“Almighty God, Your Word is cast Like seed into the ground; Now let the dew of heav’n descend And righteous fruits abound” (LSB 577:1). The Bible employs numerous images to depict the power and beauty of God’s Word. It is likened to seed sown upon the ground (Matthew 13:1–9), a lamp shining in the darkness (Psalm 119:105), precious gold and sweet honey (Psalm 19:10), and a sharp sword (Isaiah 49:2; Hebrews 4:12). This last figure of speech indicates that when God speaks, things happen. In fact, sometimes Jesus only needed to say one word and it changed everything. Once, a Roman centurion cried out to Him, “Lord, just say the word, and we will be healed” (Matthew 8:8). This is why we sing, “So when the precious seed is sown, Life-giving grace bestow That all whose souls the truth receive Its saving pow’r may know” (LSB 577:1).